EST. 1995
A Treasure Trove of Truth
What does CPL have to offer?
Why a Special Library? Find out by watching the video below featuring Library Founder Michelle Howard.

The Why Behind CPL
As our culture has changed, so has children's literature changed.
As our culture has changed, so have public libraries changed.
As our culture has changed, so has modern education changed.
If you are making careful decisions about your kids' education, as I’m sure you are, please consider the reading materials equally as crucial to development of their hearts and minds. Their books should be wholesome in content and inspired in their view of the child as a learner.
Such books are now rare, but the very best, the most richly and engagingly narrative book, those vivified with the best other words, the "living books," over 23,000 of them, have been found and gathered for you to enjoy at the Children's Preservation Library along with many other resources for your child’s education!
“Why read at all? It’s the Video Age, isn’t it?”
Ahh, the elephant in the room! Language is a special gift from God for us humans, created in His likeness. He IS the Word, and He’s shown us that language is His key means for transporting ultimate truth to the ultimate soul for ultimate purpose. The world may grab your child’s retina, and pretend learning is merely data retention in the material cerebrum, but God’s World itself, says the immaterial “heart” is the real target of education.
What we first grasp, at a spiritual level, in every sphere (theology, government, law, art, science, language, mathematics, music, etc.) is what our brain then harnesses, permanently (not just “for the test”).
How do we transport the greatest truths to our offsprings’ souls? Lyrical language and moving art! These are the very hallmarks of living books, whereas most books today are only fragmented factoids and machined clipart. Don’t miss this! Because, God made rich language & art to be carriers of immaterial content to the immaterial soul!
We read because we’re created in God’s image.
We read because we’re alive.
We read so we can think deeply.
We read because we crave profound meaning, purpose, and principle.
The Greatest Generation (who fought World War II) were raised on such books. Thus, in crisis, they did mighty things to rescue millions. Your kids likewise need to be fueled to unshakably offer truth in all spheres to this current culture. That’s your mission, and ours! Join the Children’s Preservation Library community…doing this together!